Created in partnership with Ms. Ava Johnson, of Girl Scout Troop 1474, our essential shelf aims to increase awareness of food insecurity to those who are returning home after being in a nursing home. However, due to the unprecedented events of COVID-19, CDCI has supplies for any individual in need of help.
Currently in stock:
- canned vegetables and meats
- dried pasta
- hygiene products
- products with long shelf-lives
We will continue to collect more items.
Food Pantry / Essential Shelf is open Monday – Friday 10:00am to 3:00pm. Closed most Holidays.
Looking to donate?
Due to an increased demand for these much needed items, the CDCI is looking for additional donations in the following categories.
- shelf-stable goods like canned and dried food
- hygiene products like soap, wipes, etc.
- cleaning supplies
- paper products like toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
Drop offs are accepted between 8:30am – 4:00pm Monday – Friday.
Please call (518) 459-6422 if you need organize another drop off time.